Here at Tyler Estates, we put the local community very high up on our list of priorities, we see the
value in a strong community and we help out where we can.
Over the past 13 years we have helped many community groups, local schools and charities with
donations of raffle prizes, our time or financial donations.
If you have a cause close to your heart, please get in touch to see if we can help you in any way.
Some of our past initiatives have been:
School Governor
Jeremy Tyler one of our Directors has sat on the Board of Governors for many years in South
Green and Noak Bridge and Jeremy was Chair of the Governing Body at Noak Bridge delivering a
“Good “with OFSTED. Jeremy is no longer on either Governing body having spent over 10 years
in this role.
Noak Bridge Patient Participation Group.
Dawn Tyler, fellow Director has spent time on this group working with the medical practitioners in
the village and other volunteers. Dawn enjoyed her time on this committee until it was disbanded
a few years ago.
Raffle prizes
We are often asked for a prize for a school fete which we are always happy to provide. We have
supported St Peters school, South Green, Noak Bridge, Grenfells Pre-School and several smaller